
GrowFlow Podcast - Episode 20 - Leveraging your operations - stay consistent, run a tight shop and constantly improve

In this episode we breakdown the foundation of any great business: operations.

The more consistent your cannabis products are the more predictable your cashflow and profits will be. To achieve this, you need consistent output from all of the members of your team and that consistency comes from putting in place documented, repeatable processes.

While the thought of creating operating procedures for every aspect of your business can feel overwhelming, solid operations doesn't have to be a daunting task.

Watch as Travis and Joe show you how easy and game-changing good operations can be for your cannabis business.

As referenced by Joe, here is a link to our podcast all about creating a world class culture -

quote's so important to get predictable output from your team.

Travis Steffen, GrowFlow CEO


users at over 1,572 operations trust GrowFlow with their business

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